HVAC Training Open Classes

Learn From The Heat Exchanger Experts
Offering Seminars Nationwide
Heat Exchanger Experts is the industry leader when it comes to HVAC safety and inspection training and certification. Our goal is to equip the HVAC specialists of America with the skills and experience they need to identify defects in residential heat exchangers. From learning what defects are the most common, where these defects occur, and how to explain and verify to customers what their issue is, we’ll provide you with everything you need to be a better HVAC expert.
Whether you’re new to the industry or an experienced, seasoned veteran, this course will benefit everyone! In our HVAC safety and inspection training, we go beyond the basics by delving into the history of older heat exchangers and their defects, as well as providing insights into the characteristics and common issues of modern heat exchanger models.
Inspecting Heat Exchangers
When you participate in a Heat Exchanger Experts training, both you and your employees will gain invaluable hands-on experience inspecting over 70 different residential furnace heat exchangers, enhancing your expertise in this critical area. You’ll be taught how to quickly identify problems in a plethora of different heat exchangers, identify cracked heat exchangers, understand strategies to prevent problems in the future, and have an in-depth understanding of the common causes of faulty heat exchangers! At the end of the day — literally at the end of the 8-hour training day — you will emerge as a more knowledgeable and skilled HVAC specialist, resulting in increased customer satisfaction, enhanced safety for all, and reduced liability for your business.
What To Expect At Our Open Class Seminars
First and foremost, when you participate in our HVAC safety and inspection course, we guarantee that you’ll leave with useful information that will help you be more effective and efficient when it comes to inspecting and identifying faulty heat exchangers.

How to identify a cracked heat exchanger efficiently.

The process of performing inspections with a customer present, and how to prove your findings to them.

How to predetermine defective heat exchangers based on quality of installation.

How to build trust amongst your customer base by being knowledgeable and reliable.

How to sell new furnaces based on the results of an inspection of a faulty heat exchanger.

How to increase the profits for and overall safety of your HVAC company.

How to identify areas that are prone to defects on a wide array of heat exchangers and furnaces.

10 universal factors that cause heat exchangers to crack, regardless of the model or furnace.

A Typical Day At Our Seminar
During our eight-hour training seminar, you’ll acquire this knowledge while networking with HVAC experts nationwide and gaining hands-on experience with real heat exchangers and furnaces. Please note that this schedule serves as a general outline; specific sections may vary in duration, particularly during the Q&A session, where we ensure all questions are thoroughly addressed before concluding. Breakfast and lunch times and offerings may also differ depending on the hosting location. As for course materials, every participant will receive our comprehensive residential furnace inspection manual, rich with full-color illustrations, invaluable insights, and detailed guidance for inspecting various heat exchangers. Essentially, in addition to participating in eight hours of the most valuable safety and inspection training an HVAC worker can undergo, you’ll also go home with the textbook for heat exchanger inspections.
What To Expect At Our Open Class Seminars
As you can probably tell by now, the point of our training course is to provide information and experience that is going to help you work more efficiently while having a comprehensive understanding of the issues, defects, and dangers of faulty heat exchangers. While we’ve touched on a lot of the information you can expect to learn and why it’s important, we believe it’s helpful to provide insight into some of the equipment you’ll be training on, offering you a clearer picture of the exceptional HVAC training services we provide.
We will extensively cover the anatomy and inspection methods for all types of heat exchangers — clamshell heat exchangers, serpentine heat exchangers, and tubular heat exchangers.
Additionally, we’ll be working with a vast array of manufacturers, including but not limited to:

Why Choose Heat Exchanger Experts?
First and foremost, when you work with the Heat Exchanger Experts, you’ll not only gain access to our exceptional training and manual, but also work with the Prach family, who has been dedicated to HVAC and heat exchanger inspection for over 55 years! Ellis Prach, the man who started it all, has been working in HVAC for over 55 years. Before founding Heat Exchanger Experts, Ellis owned and successfully operated two distinct HVAC companies. In the realm of training, Ellis brings over two decades of experience to the table. In addition to his extensive background, he authored the exceptionally detailed manual that serves as the foundation for our open classes. Finally, he’s raised two amazing sons who are equally dedicated to the field of HVAC and heat exchanger maintenance and inspection. Russell and Christopher Prach, Ellis’ sons, have an immense amount of HVAC experience and knowledge between the two of them. In addition to working with their family, Christopher also owns and operates his own successful HVAC company.

Open Inspection And Safety Class
When you enroll yourself or your employees in a Heat Exchanger Experts open inspection and safety class, you’ll be learning exclusive information that has been culminated over what’s essentially a lifetime of research of, experience in, and passion for HVAC servicing. The Prach family has tirelessly worked to create a digestible course that will give you the experience you need to set yourself apart in the HVAC industry as well as to be a more efficient and safer operation.
Plus, in addition to the experience and knowledge you’ll gain from the eight-hour day, you’ll have Ellis’ state-of-the-art manual on heat exchanger inspection, which is an outrageously detailed guide that shows you how to inspect just about any heat exchanger that’s in a residential home.

Train With The Best
What are you waiting for? Take a look at our upcoming open classes and get yourself enrolled! We’d love to have you. It truly brings us joy to know that we’re making a positive difference and leading the charge when it comes to making the HVAC industry more knowledgeable, efficient, and responsible.

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Who We Are — Heat Exchanger Experts
Why Your HVAC Company Needs Heat Exchanger Training In 2020
How To Participate In A Heat Exchanger Seminar In 2020
Get In Touch With Us
We offer educational programs and resources to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to operate, maintain, and troubleshoot heat exchangers effectively in various residential settings.